Looking for pious woman - Marrakech

Date de publication: 02/01/2023
Date de modification: 02/07/2024
  • Adresse: Luton, Marrakech, Marrakech-Safi, Morocco
Nombre de vues : Cette annonce à été consultée 220 fois.

Assalam o Alikum, my name is Aziz Ahmed and I am from UK. I am 53 years old and divorced with no kids. I am fit and healthy alhamdulillah. I am looking for serious mature practicing Muslima. There is no age restriction but has to be younger than my age. There is no problem if she is widowed or divorced but with no kids.Thanks Aziz

Age *: 53 ans
Niveau d'études *: Bachellier - حاصل/ة على شهادة الباكالوريا
Situation familiale *: Divorcé(e) - مطلق/ة
Enfants *: Non - ليس لي أطفال
Nombre d'enfants: 0


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